In case you carnales don't reads about it, Diego Armando Maradona, known to most Argentinos peoples ass the greatest player to half played in the worlds, was bit in the culo (ok, ok in the face pero Burrito think his face look like an ass anyways!). Maradona was said to be playing with "El Che" and doggie get excited thinking Diego's face was a piece of meat and bite him.... no big deal, thats what he get for playing with "El Che"! Pinche comunista!

So Maradona was taken to hospitals in helicopter and was said to be crying for his mami and askings doctors to please shoot him up with heroines or somethings pero doctor no half that so they give hims valiums which Diego had in his pocket.
What no one knows is that after a few hours Diego come out of hospital and say he still love "EL Che" even thoughs "El Che" bite the chingado out of him.
Ladies and gentlemens this is a lie! Burrito half proof that Diego kill poor "Che" and here it is in

Si, Diego get so mad he eat el pobrecito "El Che" as retaliations for biting his uglys face. Maradona was quoted as saying "Boca es lo mas grande del mundo" and then proceed to eat "El Che" tail first!
Burrito has contacted the humane societies of Argentina pero they no return Burritos call! Join Burrito in condemning this act of cruelty against the dawg race! Write to your local dawg pound and demands a recall!
P.S. Five days away from the season opener against the Rochester Rhinos! Support Miami FC Blues as they beat the pinches Rhino's back to their ugly town! Vamos Miami!
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