Rupert Murdoch-owned UK broadcaster Sky News denied accusations of bias yesterday after broadcasting a segment featuring a cow whose moo, the report suggested, sounded like "vote Cameron". Despite UK law requiring broadcasters to maintain a neutral perspective, critics argue that Sky News has used every opportunity to paint Conservative Party candidate David Cameron in a positive light, over-emphasizing positive stories, while downplaying recent poll gains made by Liberal Democrat rival Nick Clegg.

Sky News has vigorously defended this latest accusation, with political editor Adam Boulton arguing that "The cow story was meant to be humorous...plus, we really felt that it's mooing sounded like 'vote Cameron'." Mr Boulton also defended the channel's decision to analyse the potential negative implications for Nick Clegg in light of the cow's moo, arguing that "We thought it a legitimate question to ask: if even cows are mooing for Cameron, then Clegg might be in real trouble. That's an entirely objective question to ask."
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