It's with a sad heart, that i dedicate this post to the passing of Tony Curtis.
Curtis, star of many a blockbuster (although never as huge as he should of been) After many a classic supporting role, Curtis came to his 'own' in 1969's THE BOSTON STRANGLER, just as his 'Hollywood' star was fading. But had such a huge (likable) personality, that helped him secure work, long after his 'matinee' roles had dried up. And on top of his sterling work in (classics) SOME LIKE IT HOT, SPARTACUS, THE VIKINGS, THE DEFIANT ONES, TRAPEZE and THE PERSUADERS....he brought his (always professional) presence to many a small screen effort (CENTRE OF THE WEB, PRIME TARGET, BRITTLE GLORY and THE IMMORTALS to name a few)
On top of all this, he was a devastatingly handsome 'Mans' man (and i say that with my feeble hetrosexuality intact) the likes of which Clooney and Pitt could never hold the tiniest candle to. The world gets less and less 'fun' with the passing of genuine 'stars' like this guy.
Curtis, star of many a blockbuster (although never as huge as he should of been) After many a classic supporting role, Curtis came to his 'own' in 1969's THE BOSTON STRANGLER, just as his 'Hollywood' star was fading. But had such a huge (likable) personality, that helped him secure work, long after his 'matinee' roles had dried up. And on top of his sterling work in (classics) SOME LIKE IT HOT, SPARTACUS, THE VIKINGS, THE DEFIANT ONES, TRAPEZE and THE PERSUADERS....he brought his (always professional) presence to many a small screen effort (CENTRE OF THE WEB, PRIME TARGET, BRITTLE GLORY and THE IMMORTALS to name a few)
On top of all this, he was a devastatingly handsome 'Mans' man (and i say that with my feeble hetrosexuality intact) the likes of which Clooney and Pitt could never hold the tiniest candle to. The world gets less and less 'fun' with the passing of genuine 'stars' like this guy.

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